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How we measure results from brain training:

We carry out cognitive testing pre- and post- training, meaning our results are clear and measurable. This allows our clients to see exactly how they have improved, making the experience even more rewarding. 
Below are some of the results from previous clients who have completed the BrainRx programme.
(All results are published in '
Client Outcomes and Research Results' 2017 edition by BrainRx®)

IQ Score Results:


  • The changes in IQ score for BrainRx® clients from 2010-2015 is shown in the graph. For every age group, the increase in IQ post training was statistically significant (p < .001). For all the clients included in the study, the average IQ score before training was 97 and this increased to 111 after training using BrainRx® programmes.

  • 17,998 BrainRx clients are included in this study with a mean age of 12.3. The Woodcock-Johnson III – Tests of Cognitive Abilities was used to measure client IQ. 

A graph showing how brain training with BrainRx has improved the IQ of previous clients

Results From Clients With ADHD:

A graph showing how BrainRx brain training can improve cognitive skills of clients with ADHD

This charts show the improvements in cognitive skills for clients who came with a diagnosis of ADHD between 2010 and 2015. The changes in standard scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III – Tests of Cognitive Abilities were statistically significant for all skills (p< .001) assessed. Overall, the largest gains were seen in IQ, auditory processing, and long-term memory, followed by broad attention and logic & reasoning. The average pre-test IQ score was 96 and the average post-test IQ score was 110. In addition, post-training percentiles are well within the range of normal functioning, and the average age-equivalent gain in cognitive skill performance was 3.7 years. 5,416 BrainRx clients are included in this study with a mean age of 12.3.


Results From Clients With Dyslexia:

This charts show the improvements in cognitive skills for clients who came with a diagnosis of dyslexia between 2010 and 2015. The changes in standard scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III – Tests of Cognitive Abilities were statistically significant for all skills (p< .001) assessed. Overall, the largest gains were seen in auditory processing and long-term memory, followed by logic & reasoning and broad attention. The average pre-test IQ score was 93 and the average post-test IQ score was 106. In addition, post-training percentiles are within the range of normal functioning, and the average age-equivalent gain in cognitive skill performance was 3.6 years.
BrainRx clients are included in this study with a mean age of 11.9.

A graph showing the results of previous clients with dyslexia who have been trained with BrainRx brain training
Brain injury results

Rehabilitation After Brain Injury:

The following chart shows the improvements in cognitive skills for clients who came with a diagnosis of traumatic brain injury (TBI) between 2010 and 2015. The changes in standard scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III – Tests of Cognitive Abilities were statistically significant for all skills (p< .001) assessed. Overall, the largest gains were seen in auditory processing and long-term memory, followed by working memory and broad attention. The average pre-test IQ score was 92 and the average post-test IQ score was 102. In addition, post training percentiles are within the range of normal functioning, and the average age-equivalent gain in cognitive skill performance was 3.7 years. 273 BrainRx clients are included in this study with a mean age of 25.6. 

A graph showing the results of previous clients with brain injury who have been trained with BrainRx brain training

Results For Clients With Autism Spectrum Disorder:


The following charts show the improvements in cognitive skills for clients who came with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum between 2010 and 2015. The changes in standard scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III – Tests of Cognitive Abilities were statistically significant for all skills (p< .001) assessed. Overall, the largest gains were seen in auditory processing and long-term memory, followed by logic & reasoning, working memory, and broad attention. The average pretest IQ score was 92 and the average post-test IQ score was 101. In addition, post-training percentiles are within the range of normal functioning, and the average age-equivalent gain in cognitive skill performance was 3.1 years. 857 BrainRx clients are included in this study with a mean age of 11.9.  

A graph showing the results of previous clients with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) who have been trained with BrainRx brain training

Senior Adults:

senior adults
A graph showing the results of senior adults who have been trained with BrainRx brain training

The following charts show the improvements in cognitive skills for clients over the age of 50 who came between 2010 and 2015. The changes in standard scores on the Woodcock-Johnson III – Tests of Cognitive Abilities were statistically significant for all skills (p< .001) assessed. Overall, the largest gains were seen in IQ, auditory processing, and long-term memory, followed by logic & reasoning, working memory, and visual processing. The average pre-test IQ score was 95 and the average post-test IQ score was 114. In addition, posttraining percentiles are well within the range of normal functioning. 262 BrainRx clients are included in this study with a mean age of 60.1.  

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